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We at SAFETEE are constantly evolving. This is where we will keep you updated about our company and our services as well as the topics of occupational safety, fire prevention, health and environmental protection.


Björn Andresen joins the management team of SAFETEE GmbH

Since May, Björn has been our Chief Strategy Officer and a member of the Executive Team.
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Mit unserem Engagement im Rahmen des Deutschlandstipendiums helfen wir talentierten Studierenden dabei, ihr Potenzial voll zu entfalten.
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SAFETEE - Fit 4 Future

SAFETEE stellt neue Organisation vor - Alles steht auf Wachstum
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Wie zufrieden sind Sie?

Wir wollen uns stetig verbessern und haben einen hohen Anspruch an unsere Leistungen. Ihre Meinung und konstruktive Kritik helfen uns dabei.
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New colleagues

We welcome our new colleague to the SAFETEE GmbH team.
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The SAFETEE turns 10 years old. Wow, that was fast ...!

We use this occasion to think once about our start. Who brought us to where we are now and to thank all our companions!
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Jan Peukmann is now a member of the VDSI.

Our management has already been a member of the VDSI for many years, and now our authorized signatory Jan has been appointed to the specialist area, which fits SAFETEE "like a glove".
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New colleagues

We welcome our new colleague to the SAFETEE GmbH team.
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We are looking forward to conversations, contacts and applicants we want to have, meet and get to know at the fairs.
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New colleagues

We welcome our new colleagues to the SAFETEE GmbH team.
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SAFETEE Come Together- Sommerfest

Finally we, the SAFETEE team, got together again...
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New colleagues

We welcome our new colleague to the SAFETEE GmbH team.
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Friday the 13th - a special day?

A look at the day-to-day work of our HSE managers at SAFETEE.
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Superhero Masterclass 2.0

With the Superhero Masterclass, Pausenraum provides SAFETEE with a digital course for stress prevention. This year with a face-to-face kick-off event.
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Support for students - through No Isolation Avatar

In some times, and especially in these times, it is not possible for all children to regularly participate in face-to-face classes at school.
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Psychological risk assessment

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, every employer must ensure the physical and mental health of its employees at the workplace.
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Disruptions contact form

Unfortunately, we had some technical problems with forwarding to us.
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New colleagues

We welcome our new colleagues to the SAFETEE GmbH team.
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Safety coordination for UPM Biochemicals at the Leuna Chemical Park -Biorefinery

SAFETEE GmbH was commissioned by a global manufacturer of sustainable and innovative products to provide safety consulting, safety performance, fire and explosion protection.
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Health at work

Prevention and health promotion of our employees
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New colleagues

We welcome our new colleagues to the SAFETEE GmbH team.
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Additional insurance for SAFETEE employees

SAFETEE now offers all employees private supplementary insurance free of charge.
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Superhero Masterclass

With the Superhero Masterclass, Pausenraum has provided SAFETEE with a digital course for stress prevention.
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Change in the GF

20 years of successful cooperation come to an end on 01.02.21. Boris Kowalewski takes his well-deserved retirement. Marc Riegel takes over sole management.
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Merry Christmas wishes your SAFETEE Team

SAFETEE - Christmas greetings
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Contractor management - support in the implementation of Corona quarantine specifications.

SAFETEE supports you in the implementation of the Corona specifications regarding quarantine regulations. Safe, effective and solution-oriented!
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Extension and expansion of framework agreement with leading wind turbine manufacturer

SAFETEE is proud to continue its long-standing partnership with one of its first customers for another three years, expanding its operations beyond the borders of Germany.
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Expansion of consulting activities in operator liability in southern Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate and Switzerland

SAFETEE has developed a high level of knowledge about operator liability and the necessary measures to meet this liability in the safety-related support of wind turbines.
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Improvement of occupational safety in the service area of a large wind turbine manufacturer

SAFETEE GmbH was commissioned by one of its long-standing customers to further improve occupational safety and the safety-related behavior of its employees.
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New colleagues

We welcome our new colleagues to the SAFETEE GmbH team.
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Introduction of contractor management for an international company in the transport logistics sector

For the legally compliant employment of subcontractors in Europe, we have taken over the introduction of contractor management for an international transport company.
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Jan Peukmann becomes authorised signatory

Our long-time employee from the very beginning, Jan Peukmann, was appointed to the operational management of the company as an authorized signatory.
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Corona pandemic plan - SAFETEE is optimally prepared

SAFETEE is well prepared to implement the new health protection measures in these difficult times in its own company and for its customers.
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EASY JOBSTART BEI SAFETEE 💯 Jeder kennt diese Situation - der Neustart im Job!💭 ,,Morgen starte ich meinen neuen Job. Hoffentlich wird alles gut..‘‘ Wir möchten unseren neuen Kolleg*innen diese Aufregung, Bauchschmerzen & Co. nehmen und gestalten den sogenannten #firstday entspannt. #onboarding #newbie #neuerjob #hr #recruiting
Sommerfest 2024: Willkommen im Team und Startschuss für unsere Wachstumsstrategie! 🤝 Unser Sommerfest 2024 war mehr als nur eine Feier – es war der offizielle Startpunkt für unsere neue Wachstumsstrategie. Mit großer Freude durften wir viele neue Kolleginnen und Kollegen in unserem Team willkommen heißen. Gemeinsam machen wir uns auf den Weg, die Energiewende sicherer und effizienter zu gestalten. Gemeinsam gehen wir diesen Weg und freuen uns darauf, unsere Kunden auch weiterhin auf höchstem Niveau zu begleiten! 🚀😍 Hier gehts zu unserem Recap des Sommerfests: #Sommerfest #Recap #Team #Energiewende #Wachstum #Strategie #kollegen #Neu #Startschuss #engineering #arbeitssicherheit #company

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Einfach schön ein Teil davon sein zu dürfen. Together now. Together tomorrow.

Wir setzen unser Engagement fort ✅Auch in diesem Jahr fördern wir wieder begabte Studierende mit dem Deutschlandstipendium! In diesem Jahr freuen wir uns, eine weitere Hochschule in unser Förderprogramm aufnehmen zu können:Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola in Bochum: Studiengang #BetriebssicherheitsmanagementWir sind stolz darauf, junge Talente auf ihrem Weg zu unterstützen und freuen uns auf den Austausch mit dem Fachkräftenachwuchs! 💪#DeutschlandStipendium #Förderung #Nachwuchs #NeueGeneration #Stipendien #Arbeitssicherheit #SAFETEE #Sicherheitstechnik #Gefahrenabwehr #Betriebssicherheitsmanagement
📦📦📦📦📦- Was könnte sich denn in diesem Paket verstecken? - WOW! Darauf sind wir mächtig stolz 🎉TOP 2024 Company Award 🏆Diese Auszeichnung verdanken wir all unseren Mitarbeiter*innen 🥰#team #kununuTopCompany #happy #topcompany2024 #work #arbeitssicherheit #SafetyConsulting #safety #engineering #windenergy #bioraffinerie #HSEManager
Das Jahr 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ neigt sich mit großen Schritten dem Ende zu! Wir bedanken uns bei allen Mitarbeitern und Kollegen für ein ereignisreiches und spannendes Jahr. 🥰🤩Zusammengefasst: Wir haben unser 1️⃣0️⃣ - jähriges Jubiläum gefeiert, spannende Kunden dazugewonnen und sind als Team noch stärker zusammengerückt. BEVOR ES PASSIERT - BEREIT FÜR 2024! 😍MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎅Euer SAFETEE-TEAM  #Sicherheit #Zukunft #jubiläumsjahr #Windenergie #arbeitssicherheit #work #engineer #Feiertage #Team #FrohesFest #FroheWeihnachten #Christmas #merrychristmas #Weihnachten
HAPPY HALLOWEEN 👻💀Süßes oder Saures? Trick or Treat? 🍭🍫 Seid ihr heute auch gruselig auf den Straßen unterwegs? #halloween #happyhalloween #trickortreat #süssesodersaures #halloweenmemes #feiertag #reformationstag #allerheiligen #safetee #jobs #recruiting #career
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