Before it happens

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About us

Our success factors 

Occupational safety right from the start

We actively communicate the importance of occupational safety instead of just implementing measures.

Presence and cooperation

Our employees on site communicate directly and productively with all parties involved – from site management to upper management.

Demonstrable success

With our tools, our successes will be plainly visible. We demonstrate that occupational safety pays off from the very beginning.

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Contact us

Occupational safety
for the success of your company

Interested in our products and services? Or do you have further questions? Feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Marc Riegel (Managing Director)
Learn more
+49 234 588850


Our strengths - Your benefits

Smooth communication

Multi-level support

Legal certainty



Whether on construction sites, during preparations for them, or in internal processes: with us, you have a reliable partner at your side - before it happens!
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"My job is not to make it easy for people, but to make them better and their jobs safer."

Philip Schröder
Senior HSE Manager


"Due to a wide variety of customers, there are always new challenges and tasks, which allows me to develop in many different ways."

Svenja Peukmann
Senior Safety Consultant


"The cooperation with SAFETEE is fair and based on trust. Here, the handshake still counts."

Tobias Lux
HSE Manager


"Ich bin nicht nur die Assistenz der Geschäftsführung, sondern auch der Feel-Good-Manager für uns Kollegen.“

Jennifer Stöckel

Assistenz der Geschäftsführung


"We meet international challenges with our team of experts - Strong when the going gets tough!"

Jan Peukmann
Authorised signatory

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